Quality System Construction
Jinko Solar strictly adheres to the Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China, the Standardization Law of the People's Republic of China, relevant laws and regulations in the operating locationss, and industry standards. We have established a quality management structure, with the CEO as the first responsible person and supported by various module quality management departments and the quality system management department. The Company has also developed supporting product quality-related management systems to standardize the full lifecycle management of product quality. During the reporting period, the Company continuously upgraded product quality management standards and further optimized the detailed requirements for quality inspection, quality assurance, and quality problem prevention.
We always hold ourself to high standards, set annual product quality management goals and timely track the progress of these goals to ensure that product quality performance remains at the forefront of the industry. During the reporting period, the Company set specific targets for indicators such as "product reliability" and successfully exceeded them.